About the project
Responsible institution:
Polish Composers’ Union
Musicological Section
Library of the Polish Composers’ Union
POLMIC Polish Music Information Centre
Rynek Starego Miasta 27; 00-272 Warszawa
phone: +48 22 8311634, extension 33; +48 22 6359140
Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne – PWM Edition
Zygmunt Mycielski Society in Wiśniowa
Zygmunt Mycielski State Music School in Strzyżów
District Cultural and Tourist Centre in Wiśniowa
Co-financed by the Minister of Education and Science as part of the “Social Responsibility of Science” programme in 2021 and 2022.
Project title:
Zygmunt Mycielski – composer, writer, thinker, witness to the epoch
Subsidy: 100000,00 PLN. The total budget: 125000,00 PLN.
Section authors:
Life: Calendar, Tributes (selection), Biography; Friends; Writer: Publications (notes)
Composer: Introduction, Works by genre, List of works
Writer: Introduction, Publications (selection)
Edition, preparation of multimedia:
Translation into English:
The editors would like to thank all the people and institutions who have supported the development of the portal, in particular:
- Ms Jadwiga Stachura and Ms Elżbieta Łastowiecka – for providing access to photographs from their family archives and for their continued support for efforts to disseminate information about their uncle;
- Mr Adam Michnik and Mr Wiesław Uchański – for permission to provide access to source material and for their great kindness;
- Mr Mikołaj Nowak-Rogoziński and Mr Michał Klubiński – for their help in getting access to archive material;
- Ms Beata Biedrońska-Lach from the Polish Radio Music Agency – for their efficient, understanding and warm cooperation;
- Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne – PWM Edition – for supporting the project;
- Zygmunt Mycielski Society in Wiśniowa and its President, Mr Andrzej Szypuła – for providing access to numerous invaluable archive documents;
- DUX Recording Producers and Ms Magdalena Prejsnar – for permission to publish Zygmunt Mycielski’s Preludes released on Piano Preludes (DUX 0699);
- Performers taking part in the concert that took place as part of the 31st Warsaw Music Encounters at the Polish Radio’s Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio in Warsaw on 8 May 2017 – for permission to provide access to the recording.
- Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature in Warsaw – for providing access to archive material from its collection;
- Editorial board of the Dialog magazine – for permission to reprint Zygmunt Mycielski’s play Bogowie (Dialog 1959/12).
The web portal features material from the Zygmunt Mycielski Archive at the National Library in Warsaw; Music Collection Department and Manuscript Department, Jagiellonian Library in Kraków; National Archives in Kraków; Polish Library in Paris; Archive of the Institute of Literature in Paris, University Library in Warsaw; Polish Composers’ Union Archives; Paweł Hertz Archive; Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature in Warsaw; collections of the Zygmunt Mycielski Society in Wiśniowa, Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne – PWM Edition and Polish Music Information Centre; as well as private collections.
The editorial team declares that it has made every effort to ensure that the publication of contents on the web portal respects the applicable laws, in particular copyright and related rights regulations. At the same time, we ask any person or institution feeling that obligations towards them have not been properly fulfilled to contact the editorial team directly.
Conversation about the website: