Pièces enfantines pour piano (1934, rev. 1946)
dedication: –
duration: ca 2’
manuscript: Zygmunt Mycielski Archive, Manuscript Department, National Library, no. IV 14313, akc. 020704, no. IV 14123 akc. 020514, no. IV 14124 akc. 020515
premiere: ?
It is made up of five charming, simple miniatures, each of which presents a separate pianistic problem – alternating right and left hand during playing while maintaining melodic continuity (I), independence of tonal-harmonic planes (II), playing of multiphonics and production of several textural planes (III), rhythmic independence of two voices and the resulting ostensible polymetry (IV) and exposition of melodic planes placed alternately in the upper and lower registers (V).
The various parts of the cycle have titles indicating the performance problems solved by Mycielski:
Part I: Pièce en ut-majeur
Part II: Analyse harmonique
Part III: Tenoit, en mesure
Part IV: Analyse rythmique
Part V: Tendrement, en mesure
In February 1946, Mycielski added a sixth part to the cycle, closing this musical piece with a tonal reprise – Retour a ut.