Jerzy Andrzejewski
From Jerzy Andrzejewski's letters to Zygmunt Mycielski. Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature in Warsaw
Jerzy Andrzejewski

Zygmunt Mycielski was friends with both Jerzy and his wife Maria. In the first few years after the war they all lived in Kraków. After the Andrzejewskis moved to Szczecin, Mycielski visited them there in 1950. Later they would all meet regularly in Warsaw, where both Mycielski and the Andrzejewskis were living. The composer appreciated his friend’s literary oeuvre very highly. In 1957 both men found themselves on the editorial board of the literary magazine Europa, which was banned by censors in the end. In 1968 only Mycielski and Andrzejewski among the representatives of Polish culture from the country published in the Paris Kultura a letter of solidarity with writers and musicians from Czechoslovakia, protesting in this way against the Warsaw Pact troops’ invasion of Prague. The rich correspondence between Mycielski and Andrzejewski is deposited at the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature in Warsaw.

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