Mieczysław Tomaszewski

Mieczysław Tomaszewski

I never treated Mycielski as someone who was simply a critic or a composer. He was for me and for us an authority on what we call creative ethos.

Just as admirable was his tolerance and openness to the various ways of achieving important goals. Mycielski made this very clear: he would never openly criticise the extremes of modernity, but at the same time he would seek not to kowtow to this tendency.

Mycielski was always full of dignity; this dignity built his authority also in those most difficult years and he was able to maintain it – and not everyone managed to do that! [...]

From the interview conducted by Beata Bolesławska-Lewandowska 
(Mycielski. Szlachectwo zobowiązuje, Kraków 2018) 

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