Triolets for soprano and piano to words by Emil Zegadłowicz (1928–1929, rev. 1931) 

Triolets for soprano and piano to words by Emil Zegadłowicz (1928–1929, rev. 1931) 

Vocal-instrumental and vocal works

dedication: –

duration: ca 12’ 

manuscript: Zygmunt Mycielski Archive, Manuscript Department, National Library, no. IV 14313 akc. 020704

premiere: Paris, 17 March 1931, Maria Modrakowska – soprano, Susanne Astruc – piano (one of the Triolets, no other information available)

I. [How strangely my violin quivers today]
II. [We were walking, silent, along the bank of a deep blue river]
III. [My mouth is hungry for your lips]

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